business robbery part 1

Although all sorts of preventive methods are devised to deter robbers, including the best and robust security measures, criminals still find a way to counter those. Therefore it is also necessary to prepare yourself in the event of a robbery. In order to minimise risk during such an incident, the following guidelines can be helpful:

  • Keep Calm and don’t Panic

Most robberies are over in a flash as criminals don’t like to linger or have a nice chat afterall.

  • Safety of People and Property

It is vital to keep yourself and the people, along with a maximum of the material property around you, protected.

  1. Under gunpoint or if ordered, keep large denominations and give away small denomination notes as well as more coins in the provided bag, which could satisfy the robber owing to the bulk, unless otherwise instructed
  2. Never volunteer to put in extra money
  3. Avoid looking towards safes or other cash storage areas
  4. Prioritise the safety of people including staff and customers over that of your property, which can be replaced unlike lives.
  5. Train staff beforehand to recognise criminals at a glance and to be again to act wisely under pressure by contacting an authority, or to defend themselves properly.
  • Security Gadgets or Tricks

As long as you deem it is safe, activate any existing and installed alarm. Any useful device, such as an emergency phone whose lines cannot be tampered with, should be used with caution and without alerting the criminals.

  • Keep an eye out for details

The CCTV will undeniably be doing that job, but taking your own notes of the details you remember from the incident can be critical during an investigation. Avoid watching the CCTV and sharing your notes with the other witnesses to ensure a more accurate recollection. Necessary details worth remembering and noting down include:

  1. Actions-What happened and in what order
  2. Suspects- How many?; Physical appearance such as height, age, clothes, accessories, weapons, labels, particular details, for e.g., scars, tattoos, accents, marks or names
  3. Accomplices-Any possible co-conspirators on the site of crime or in a vehicle
  4. Evidence- Finger prints and DNA are always useful for a successful prosecution, so avoid touching anything that the offenders themselves touched or left behind
  5. Escape- Mode of transport used by offenders; make, model, colour, index.

Cases of repeated robbery are unfortunately a reality, especially if the first attempt was a successful and worthwhile one. Therefore, it is the duty of the owner to minimise rewards, which will automatically mean minimising the business’ losses and discouraging the criminals to visit again. Of course, the aftermath of the robbery has to be dealt with, too. This will be covered in the next article Business Robbery – Part 2.