dial 999 and wait...


Keep calm and dial 999-the world’s oldest emergency call service- when you face a fire, a burglar or when you need a doctor. The three digit number seems to be the boon to all individuals, almost like a magic spell that brings a solution to all problems such that a statistic of over 43 million calls has been recorded. After all, 98% of 999 calls are answered within 5 seconds, according to BT, Cable & Wireless….or that is what the police, fire and ambulance emergency services guaranteed once.

Not only has it been discovered that a majority of the calls are inappropriate; people misuse the 999 system somehow believing it to be those counselling hotlines, weather forecasting contacts, or the pets and pest control experts. Such hoax calls actually holds up callers with genuine emergencies. If crews and vehicles are called for such minor problems, it handicaps the system and delays the process of taking care of those who are in real need for help. Thus, dialling 999 only means that you have to wait for a saviour only after the appropriate cases have been recognised.

Moreover, the response target time seems to be playing a major role in attending to victims. For instance, in 2001, the government said ambulances should reach at least 75% of life-threatening emergency calls in eight minutes – the maximum time a cardiac arrest patient has to be seen if they are to have any chance of surviving. Yet, investigations have found that the control room’s delays the clock. In the end, dialling 999 with a set response target time still does not seem to be bringing the fastest solution.

Furthermore, the community may be at risk; with the emergency services facing cuts in public spending, which happened when the Government announced in October 2010 that the central funding provided to the police service would reduce by 20% in the four years between March 2011 and March 2015. Cutbacks mean fewer resources are available and that the usually quick responses are affected and so are the victims under emergency conditions. The preconception of receiving help within at least half an hour has been sadly crashed, which means that relying on the emergency services would be a huge risk.

All in all, the emergency services through the “999 rescuer” are generally helpful but ensuring your own safety is fundamental. Rather than waiting for the authorities, having a first aid kit with related knowledge could definitely save a life; and so would taking the proper protective measures in case of fire or burglary by investing in and installing all possible security procedures. You would not need to reach for the telephone and wait while a fire spreads or the intruder leisurely takes away your possessions. Instead of relying solely on the phone, investing into security grilles, gates and window bars along-side a burglar alarm system can be a very wise move to any business or home owner, so that you can indeed Keep Calm and Stay Safe.

To protect your home or business in England, Scotland and Ireland, please call RSG Security on  0208 123 1088.