Receiving bills for items you have not ordered, and letters from debt collectors for debts that are not yours- No, this is not a case of amnesia, but rather a serious situation of Identity Theft. Identity Theft undoubtedly leads to Identity Fraud, which is not a harmless experience- A stolen identity means that a criminal […]
The old real estate adage and hackneyed phrase “Location, Location, Location” sums it up when it comes to choosing a nice neighbourhood. If you are looking for a new house, the first thing that comes to mind would be the price. Of course, after looking at some dozen houses or so, many tend to excitedly […]
Burglars are known to be opportunistic recidivists. So, being imprisoned for intruding your house does not thwart them from revisiting later. A Victim Support Survey has found that one out of four burglary victims have their homes targeted again. In fact, there is higher chance for the same burglar who committed the crime to […]
TO STOP A BURGLAR, YOU NEED TO THINK LIKE ONE!!! On the whole, Burglary is an opportunist crime. A burglar will choose the easiest target. The simple reason behind is it offers him the best opportunity to be undetected with the least number of obstacles in his way. Any premises that present itself as […]
According to recent statistics, a home is burgled every 37 seconds in the UK. Constantly bullied with burglary news, understanding how a burglar’s mind operates can be the crucial piece of information you need to avoid being the next potential victim. Fighting burglary and crime is easy when you know your opponent’s strategy.
Most burglars break in, some don’t. Known as “bogus callers”, some intruders will try to trick or con their way into your property. Pretending to be a respectable worker from a Utility Company or your local council, a salesman from a well known organisation, a lady asking to go to get her lost cat in your rear […]
It is a worldwide fact that burglars are constantly on the hunt for easy targets. Every week, we come across the heartbreaking news of an elderly person being a victim of a burglary attack within their own homes. In order to help our community and stop these ‘heartless and coward’ creatures, RSG Security has put […]
According to recent government statistics, there were approximately 55,000 fires in dwellings and other buildings in England last year, and this brings us to an obvious conclusion that fire safety is fundamental and something that you should always bear in mind, be it for your home, office or the workplace. Here are our top […]
Loss of belongings in a burglary is a minor consequence for many compared to the emotional and psychological effect. Symptoms described are similar to victims of assault, rape and violent crimes, as burglary victims undergo an initial feeling of insecurity, fear, anger, shame, guilt, resentment, mood swings and grief.
A recent study carried out by Friedland has put forward the idea that the majority of burglars are making use of social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, to target potential victims in the UK. As we are living in the technology and information age, criminals are actually taking advantage of social media and the […]